When considering your need for a prefabricated guard booth, security booth or guard house, you might wonder how you select the best prefab guard booth. It’s case by case, but the three things to consider include size, style / design and options / features.
First, you need to figure out what size of the guard booth or security booth will best fit your location. The size can be determined by as follows:
- how many attendants you need in the security booth
- how long they are to be on duty in the guard booth
- the size of the traffic island
- Is there traffic on both sides?
- how does the guard booth accommodate the security needs of the surrounding buildings and traffic patterns
Guard House 17-038
Secondly, you need to determine which guard booth style you prefer or require.For an instance, a new security booth or parking booth, especially ticket booth may need to have a certain look to blend in with the neighborhood. Mardan Fabrication offers a variety of building design styles:
- standard “Vista Series”
- round end “Omni Series”
- colonial looking “Diplomat Series”
- a numerous amounts of customized designs
Octagon Ticket Booth
Mardan Fabrication can also deliver architectural design to complement the surrounding or existing building design elements if requested. Our architectural styles embrace octagon shaped style, hip roof style, round ends or radius corner shapes,hexagon shaped style, factory adhered brick veneer, exterior raised rib wall treatments, butt glazed / glass to glass corners, and more.
Lastly, options and features should be into consideration, so that you can equip additional functionality and comfort for your security officers in addition to increasing the security level. Some of the common options for a guard booth encompass the followings:
- exterior flood lights
- tinted and/or insulated glass
- finish flooring
- additional countertop space
- additional convenience outlets
- air conditioners and heaters
- extended roof overhangs
- restrooms
- storage closets.
For more information about which size, style and features of guard booth you need to choose, email us at https://www.guard-booths.net/contact.