Toll Booths

Toll booth articles by Mardan Fabrication providing aluminum toll booths, guard booths, security booths, and other guard booth applications.

Toll Booths

Toll Booth Features and Options

Covid-19 has changed how we look at our standard process and practices. In the case of toll booths, normally there would be a lot of contact during the toll collection process. One thing we are looking at providing is a more contactless process in which the toll attendant is still able to collect money while conversing with the incoming car.… Read More

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Toll Booth

Benefits of Installing Attended Toll Booths

Benefits of installing attended toll booths start with controlling the flow of traffic through a particular traffic area. Also, attended toll booths allow for collecting revenue for that area which can help municipalities or business.

These particular toll booths (Mardan Toll Booth V15-034) were installed in New Jersey. These toll booths were manufactured to State of New Jersey IBC modular building certification.… Read More

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