When purchasing a security guard booth there are a lot of different items you'd want to consider. The size of the guard booths, the colors, electrical options, whether you want to have an HVAC, or extended overhangs etc. Plus, you have to determine how many actual security guards you'd want inside the security booth or guard house at all times. For example, in 19-032 which is a security guard booth that was purchased by the University of Texas, they decided to go with a 6' x 10' to house two security guards at all times. This security booth had custom siding installed and a peaked roof with Spanish tiles, which were supplied & installed onsite by others, to match the aesthetic of the university. The other security guard booth 21-001 was manufactured for only one permanent security guard. They decided to go with an extended overhang and paint the exterior of the guard booth to match the surrounding buildings. Either way, Mardan an customize the security booth however you require.